I'm here to recommend you a great batch file renamer
freeware. It's Bulk Rename Utility. The Bulk
Rename Utility is a free file renaming software for Windows. The software
allows you to easily rename files and entire folders based upon extremely flexible
![Bulk Rename Utility](images/bulk-rename-utility.png)
Once the software gets installed on your computer, you could launch the freeware
by clicking Start -> All Programs -> Bulk Rename Utility -> Bulk Rename
And then, you could locate to the files you want to rename in batch at top
of the freeware, and then set options to rename the files in batch.
- Files and/or Folders
- Full support for Perl-5 Regular Expressions
- Change the file name, or use a fixed filename
- Convert the extension to lower case, upper case, title case - or replace it
- or add a secondary extension - or remove it - or leave it alone!
- Replace text with other text
- Add a fixed prefix or suffix
- Add text to the middle of a name
- Move text to the start/end/middle of a name
- Remove the first n characters
- Remove the last n characters
- Remove from the nth character to the nth character
- Remove a list of characters
- Remove all digits, characters or symbols
- Remove double-spaces
- Crop text before or after a fixed character or text (or from anywhere in a
name using a wildcard)
- Change to upper case, lower case, title case, sentence case - all with user-defined
- Auto-number files, with a prefix or suffix, and with a predefined minimum-length
if required.
- Prefix or suffix the filename with various dates (date-modified, accessed,
created, or today's date), in many different formats with variable separators
- Append the folder name to the file (with multiple levels)
- Favourites
- Copy or move the renamed files to a new location
- Set or clear attributes on the files (not folders)
- Rename files according to a delimited list.
- Access the Shell Context Menu for all files/folders
- Process folders and sub-folders very quickly.
- Change a file or folder's Created, Modified and Accessed timestamps (not folders
in Windows 98)
- Convert Roman Numerals to upper or lower case
- Log all activity to a text-file
- Create an UNDO batch file.
- Extract certain EXIF tags from JPEG, TIFF, .NEF, .CR2 and and .CRW files
- Extract certain ID3 tags (V1 and V1.1) from MP3 files
- Drag files directly from within Windows Explorer
You can also right-click on files on Windows Explorer and then choose "Bulk
Rename Here" to launch Bulk Rename Utility and locate to the corresponding
![Right-click to rename file in batch](images/rename-right-click.png)
Bulk Rename Utility works on Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista,
XP, 2003, 2008, 2000, and NT. It's not compatible with Mac or Linux.
Free Download Freeware
32-bit Edition
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64-bit Edition
The batch file renamer software is absolutely virus, spyware, marlware,
and adware free. It's safe to install.